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Prenatal  Massage

Just as relaxing experience or to ameliorate back discomfort, this modality is a must to experience during pregnancy. Prenatal massages are offered from 16 to 34 wks of gestation.


Without noticing, every day we are accumulating toxins in our bodies. Preservatives, contaminants and additives in our food are inadvertently consumed and deposited in our cells. Let us guide you through the process of purifying your body using ancient oriental knowledge and modern day science.


Stress is the number one cause of illness. This program includes a combination of techniques designed to reduce stress in your life. Access to our meditation room, light therapy, weekly massages and home techniques to apply newly acquired knowledge to your daily routine. What are you waiting for?


Sun exposure damage, age related skin changes, acne... These common skin problems affect most people. We will teach you from start to finish, so you can take care of your skin in your own time and place.

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